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OOP with examples in JAVA

Published Date: Sept. 26, 2024, 5:05 p.m.


Java's Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) model is based on four key principles: **Inheritance**, **Encapsulation**, **Abstraction**, and **Polymorphism**. - **Inheritance** allows one class to inherit properties and methods from another, promoting code reuse. - **Encapsulation** hides the internal details of an object and restricts access to certain components, using getters and setters to control access. - **Abstraction** simplifies complex systems by showing only essential features, enabling focus on the "what" instead of the "how." - **Polymorphism** enables objects to be treated as instances of their parent class, with method overriding and overloading allowing different behaviors for the same method call. These principles make Java a powerful, flexible, and maintainable programming language.

OOP with examples in JAVA



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