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Controlling in Changes

Published Date: Nov. 25, 2024, 9:27 a.m.


Cooking affects vegetables in four ways. it changes the following: 1. Texture 2. Flavor 3. Color 4. Nutrients Controlling Texture Changes Changing texture is one of the main purposes of cooking vegetables. Fiber The fiber structures of vegetables (including cellulose and pectins) give them shape and firm- ness. Cooking softens some of these components. The amount of fiber varies in different vegetables. Spinach and tomatoes have less fiber than carrots and turnips, for example. • In different examples of the same vegetables. Old, tough carrots have more fiber than young, fresh carrots. • Inthesamevegetable.thetendertipsofasparagusandbroccolihavelessfiberthantheir tougher stalks.

Controlling in Changes



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